#DonateYourSmallTalk #Jesus

Some of the babies dropped off into the safe surrender spots like a fire station, a police precinct or at the hospital of birth grow up IN the foster system as bastards. Some are adopted. Some not. But they live. 

My point is that GOD appreciates all you mothers that didn’t have the heart to raise a child but also didn’t have the heart to kill a baby. It proved you love yourself enough not to kill a part of yourself.

Who knows?! WE might be blessed by your unwanted offspring with the insights into interstellar travel, a cure to heart disease or a quality BBQ sauce. But, TRUST me when I tell you that a dead fetus won’t do any good for you and me the adoptive father of the Lord. Adoptive granddaddy to Jesus Christ. 

Thank you for deciding to be pro-life.

Donate your small talk by talking about foster care.

Raise awareness by sharing this with someone thinking about having an abortion.

Leave your small talk at the comments section🤱🃏

Life will go on... Thanks, mom.
